Beauty with nature's gifts


introduce you a new version of natural skincare and cosmetics, made with selected organic ingredients, giving you a hypoallergenic and mostly skin friendly experience.


Our Passion is nature

Nature and your skin

NATUROPATHY and your skin.....

The health of your skin depends how well your hormonal, digestive, and immune systems are functioning.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It protects you against invading bacteria and water loss, it helps keep your body temperature stable, and is filled with nerve endings that let you feel pleasure and pain.

Your skin is also a window into how well the inner systems of your body are functioning. Most common skin conditions don’t actually come from the skin at all, but from your internal processes. With proper testing, dietary adjustments, and optimization of your digestive and immune systems, your skin will be glowing!

Do you have any skin conditions? A naturopathic doctor can determine which systems are out of balance, and help get your skin beautiful and radiant.


To help you with your selection, top skin-care experts share the natural ingredients that have been proved for centuries to be the most effective. These natural wonders can help battle breakouts, soothe irritation, treat uneven pigmentation, and even prevent sun damage.

Very grateful to all our customers

As a family business we are located at the Poconos, working and improving with natural cosmetic solutions for the past 15 years and will continue for more years to come.